Montag, 27. Juni 2011

infoabend für eltern und schülerInnen

"Am Donnerstag, dem 8. September 2011, wird ein Elterninformationsabend stattfinden (Treffpunkt Pausenraum  4.Stock, um 18 Uhr),  an dem letzte Fragen geklärt werden können und zu dem Sie schon jetzt alle herzlich eingeladen sind."

die teilnehmenden schülerInnen 
sind natürlich dabei - 
dort gibt's letzte aktuelle info 
zur sprachprojektwoche !

Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

unterstützung, die nächste - verband der technologInnen gibt auch zuschuss

heute in der hauspost:"Danke für den Schüler-Vortrag über die Sprachwoche Cambridge in unserer Technologenverbandssitzung. Der Vorstand unterstützt diese Sprachreise mit 50 € pro SchülerDer Betrag von  1.350,- Euro wird in den nächsten Tagen auf das angegebene Konto überwiesen.
Wir bitten wieder um Übermittlung eines Artikels für unsere Technologenzeitung."

man sollte sich auch bei den vortragenden schülern bedanken, die offensichtlich, gemanagt von hubert tschida, einen guten eindruck gemacht haben.

die RAIKA sponsort die besten drei projekte mit ansehnlichen summen - also bemühen ist angesagt, und in summe kann man sich die hälfte der reise zurückholen "

Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

How to.....? General behaviour

"When you are on college premises try to remain as unnoticed as you can; as long as you do not make a lot of noise and behave generally in a civilised manner you will be warmly received everywhere.
Always throw your rubbish away and clear up the classrooms before you leave. Should you sit on the grass never leave any litter behind. Cigarette ends should not be dropped anywhere on college premises.
Be polite to and greet all college staff - whether they are cleaners or professors makes no difference."


How to....? Cycling and general safety

"Always lock up your bicycles, if possible lock them to a fixed object such as lamp post or bicycle rack. If bicycles are stolen and not found before you leave, you will be charged £ 75. Damage that you cause to the bicycles can also be deducted so be careful with the bikes.
If you have any problems with the bikes go straight to the cycle shop.
Always put your lights on at night.
Do not ride in large groups!
Do not ride two abreast - always in single file!
Do not ride on the pavements!
At roundabouts you must give way to the right - the person who is going round the roundabout has the right of way.
Avoid cycle paths through trees etc. when it is dark.
In the summer months avoid sitting around on Parker’s Piece in the evening.
Any student who is caught breaking the law in any way < theft/drugs/alcohol> will be sent home at his/her own cost.
Do not carry your money, travel documents or passport with you - only take the amount you will need for the day in your purse.
Always make sure you have the address and telephone number of your host family and your teacher with you."


How to....? The host family

"In the evening make sure you keep to the time agreed < which has been stipulated by your parents and teachers>. If you come in late you will disturb the members of the family you are staying with - English walls are very thin! In addition, if you are later than the pre-arranged time the hosts will be worried - in the past some have actually informed the police and contacted the emergency wards of the local hospital because they feared the worst.

Always keep your host family informed of your plans and movements, especially with regard to meal-times and needing to get up early to go on excursions or catch the airport bus. If you will not be coming home for dinner in the evening you must tell them in the morning before you leave the house.

Food: remember to take your packed lunches with you in the morning. Sometimes these will be left in the fridge. If you can’t find your lunch, ask! If there are things you don’t like, please mention this politely. Under no circumstances should you throw any of the lunch away in the house - this is an insult to the family and also a waste.

Communicate with your host family as much as possible. This means saying more than one word - if you only ever say yes or no it looks as if you are not interested in talking to them. Communication involves asking questions as well as giving answers. If two people are staying in the same family do not speak German to each other when the family is present - it is considered very impolite, and most people assume you are saying something negative about them or the food. English people will expect you to say PLEASE and THANK YOU at all times.

Telephone: do not use the host family’s phone to make calls. If you are called from Austria try and keep the call relatively short so that the phone is not blocked. Never phone while they are out because you think they won’t find out - in England people receive detailed telephone bills with every call listed, including date/time/number phoned etc. You will always be discovered!

Remember that you are a guest in a private home. You are not in a hotel. The host family members are not your servants. Always ask before you do anything <e.g. switching on TV, playing music etc.> Do not help yourself to food.

You should not invite your friends to come round and visit you without asking. If you are going to cycle into town with your friends, arrange to meet them at a certain time on the corner.

As long as you ask politely, there is no reason why you shouldn’t give your host mother a reasonable amount of washing. This service is free, so do not feel obliged to pay anything.

If you have any complaints at all, tell your teacher or local co-ordinator immediately - do not leave things unmentioned until the end of your stay."


"Leben in der Gastfamilie – was sollte ich wissen?"

"Leben in der Gastfamilie – was sollte ich wissen?

1)    Denk daran, dass du kein Hotelgast bist, sondern ein Teil der Familie. Du sollst dein eigenes Bett machen, und es wäre nett, deiner Familie anzubieten, bei kleinen Hausarbeiten wie z.B. Tischabräumen und Abwasch mitzuhelfen.

2)    Bitte sag deiner Familie, wenn du irgendetwas nicht essen oder trinken kannst.  Ohne Erlaubnis deiner Familie solltest du dich nicht selbst bedienen.

3)    Solltest du später oder gar nicht zum Essen kommen, gib deiner Familie rechtzeitig Bescheid.  Dies gilt auch, wenn du einen Tagesausflug machst.

4)    Aus Höflichkeit solltest du immer erst deine Familie fragen, bevor du Fernseher, Radio oder Stereo Anlage einschaltest.

5)    Normalerweise ist in jeder Familie nur ein Badezimmer.  Es ist daher angebracht, die Benutzung zeitlich mit dem Rest der Familie abzustimmen.

6)    Deine Gastfamilie wird gerne deine wöchentliche Wäsche mitwaschen.  Solltest du allerdings größere Menge haben, kann es sein, dass dir eine kleinere Gebühr berechnet wird.

7)    Frag immer erst deine Gastfamilie bevor du Freunde einladest und welches Zimmer dafür am geeignetsten ist.

8)    Du solltest niemals ohne Erlaubnis telefonieren.  Telefonieren kann sehr teuer sein, und kostenlose örtliche Gespräche, wie sie in manchen Ländern existieren, gibt es nicht.  Die billigste Art und Weise ist der Erwerb einer Telefonkarte, die du in einer öffentlichen Telefonzelle benutzen kannst. Du kannst diese Karte in der Schule kaufen, wo du gleichzeitig auch ein öffentliches Telefon finden wirst.

9)    Solltest du irgendein Problem mit der Unterbringung haben, empfehlen wir dir, erst mit der Familie zu sprechen.  Oftmals ist es eine Kleinigkeit, die sich mit ein paar Worten regeln läßt.  Wenn das Problem anhält, solltest du es mit der Organisation vor Ort besprechen.

Das Wichtigste zum Schluss – denk daran, dass du hier bist, um zu lernen und den Aufenthalt zu genießen.  Wenn du Interesse am Leben deiner Gastfamilie zeigst, wird diese auch an deinem Leben interessiert sein.  Wenn du deine Familie mit Respekt behandelst, wird dieser Aufenthalt für dich ein außergewöhnliches Erlebnis sein. "


Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011

epic fun in cambridge


It's a glorious Cambridge Summer evening. The sun is slowly setting over the idyllic Granchester meadows as lovers drift in punts to tea and buns at The Orchard tea house. Oh hello! What's that splashing? There goes mother duck and her eight little ducklings. Hey you at the back don't lag behind, you're missing all the fun! It's the stuff of all your romantic dreams. Lee Lonjwoosh takes his latest flame for an evening of punting larks, a bottle of Bucks Fizz in one hand  and a packet of Jaffa Cakes in the other and says,

It's very big, the pole thing. Stepping on board a punt first time ever, sticking it in, and then drifting with decided determination toward the nearest prickily bush, well it only seems a matter of time before you'll be taking the plunge, in time honoured Cambridge tradition, into the murky waters of the River Cam. And you may not be wrong. Sitting, pint in hand, earlier on in the evening on the Anchor patio, 2 'fallers' were witnessed. Put it like this, don't expect to stay dry. However, if like me, after your initial moments of concern you prove to be possibly one of the most elegant, controlled and stylish first-time punters ever to have graced the Cam, then punting holds all different guises of pleasure for all the family!

Normally when you read the words fun for all the family in your local paper, well you can be pretty much sure this means that
a) you're in for a pretty flipping dull time.
b) there won't be a beer tent.
But, and this is an however, not so is the case with punting. Everybody loves it. Wot a laugh!, It's so romantic, I fell in and nice! are just a few of the quotes I've just completely made up. But seriously, take a look on the meadow outside the Tap and Spile of a Sunday afternoon and check out the different ages, shapes, nationalities and types taking in a day's punting. But be careful when taking Granny. Those first few tentative steps on board may well have her wetting her knickers.

Need I say anymore. Punting is a Cambridge institution. Why?
Because it is EXCELLENT!
DON'T DRINK THE WATER!! One word of warning however. If you do fall in don't drink any river water. Okay so you're not likely to, but sore throats and dicky tummies may follow. On the other hand, if you are a foreign student and you happen to have the misfortune of finding yourself overboard a good idea I've just had would probably be to duck your head under and take several deep breaths. Know what I mean? "


finanzielle unterstützung ist angesagt


wie bei jeder sprachwoche bis dato haben wir uns auch heuer an den elternverein und an den technologenverband mit der bitte gewandt, teilnehmende schülerInnen zu unterstützen - und der elternverein hat das getan - es gibt sogar unterstützung für jene, die NICHT den elternvereinsbeitrag eingezahlt haben, allerdings einen um den elternvereinsbeitrag 2011 verminderten betrag - trotzdem, ALLE schülerInnen werden unterstützt.
in summe steuert der elternverein  €1.290 bei - DANKE !